Frequently Asked Questions

AdBlock Prime is the most advanced iOS ad blocking app. It partners with iOS, working at the system-level to fight ads before they even load, in browsers and in apps. AdBlock Prime works with iPhone and iPad. It feeds your device a constantly updated list of advertising domains to blacklist.

AdBlock Prime works with any iOS devices: iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch.

Not at all! AdBlock Prime works with any browser available on the App Store, and there’s nothing to configure – the ads will be blocked in your browser of choice automatically, at the system level.
Absolutely not. In fact, now that your device is ad-free, you should experience better device performance, battery life, and cellular data consumption.

Open this site on your iOS device and tap “Get Adblock Prime”. You’ll then be redirected to the Settings page on your device to complete the process. It’s that easy. Learn More.

MDM, or Mobile Device Management, is an iOS protocol that allows system administrators to send information or requests to iOS devices. AdBlock Prime uses MDM profiles to provide your device with an up-to-date advertising web domain blacklist. It also lets AdBlock Prime block in-app ads. In order to provide this service, AdBlock Prime receives information about the apps installed on your device, and limited anonymized or de-identified and aggregated data on your device. For more information, please read our Privacy Policy.

Due to Apple’s restrictions, App Store apps cannot block ads outside Safari. To offer complete ad blocking on your iOS device, we need to utilize an iOS MDM profile.
iOS profiles are often used to manage employee or student devices, so they have certain abilities beyond normal App Store apps. Apple takes their users’ security seriously, and therefore try to ensure that you trust the developer of a given Profile before installation. That being said, we cannot remotely manage your device, as we don’t request all of the necessary permissions. The only thing AdBlock Prime utilizes the Profile for, is to remotely update AdBlock settings. We urge you to contact us with any concerns.
Open Settings on your iOS device. Go to General and click on Profile, find the AdBlock Prime Profile and click Delete Profile on the following screen.
AdBlock Prime is exclusive to iOS devices, so it must be installed from an iPhone, iPad or iPod touch. Additionally, AdBlock Prime must be installed from the Safari browser (though it will work on all browsers after installation).

We use cookies on our website. They are used for several purposes such as analytics, personalized content and ads. By using this site you agree to this use as detailed in our Privacy Policy.